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S.U.P. Instruction

Curious about this sport of paddleboarding, or, SUPing as some call it? Perhaps you’re just looking for a fun outdoor activity to try? Great! We developed this series of classes just for you.

We love paddleboarding and we’ll love getting you started and moving up the learning curve.

We’ve created this series of lessons designed to take you from zero to hero, from basics to flying downwind, all while having fun along the way. 

Check these out, we think you’ll find them perfect for you. 
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Essentials of SUP
The knowledge to get started safely using technical strokes for efficiency and control. 
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Intermediate SUP
Refine the basics, add strokes and movement for advanced control.
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Intro To SUP Downwinding
Learn the skills of paddling offshore traveling with the wind and waves. 
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