The Essentials of S.U.P.

essentials of sup photo

The Essentials of Stand-Up Paddleboarding – 2 hours (free with Boat Buyer's Benefits)

No need to wonder about standup paddleboarding ever again – you can do this! 

In this lesson, you’ll learn all about boards, paddles and safety equipment and we’re going to teach you all of the techniques you need to paddle with skill and confidence, including: how paddle with your core using the Hawaiian forward stroke, how to turn and steer using forward and reverse sweeps, how to minimize switching using our “Hockey Stick” stroke, how to fall safely, how to reboard in two different ways and lastly what to do when wind and waves conspire against you. While we spend some time on land, you’ll have plenty of time on the water practicing your new skills.

$70.00 / person - Reservations required

Maximum class size is five people

Ages 13 and up.


Late - May through September

Sundays @ 11:30am



  • None, but we have a weight limit of 250 pound due to Board limitations
  • Ages 13+ (for individuals under 13 please see our Youth Instruction page)

All you need to do now is to reserve your spot in the class.


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