The Essentials of Tandem Canoeing

essentials of tandem canoe photo

The Essentials of Tandem Canoeing – 1½ hours (free with Boat Buyer's Benefits)

This is a class for you and your paddling partner. In this lesson, we dispel the notion that there’s a controlling captain in the boat. Instead, we work to establish a team with a single mindset. 

Many tandem paddlers we see are out of sync, switch sides randomly and argue about how to steer the boat. We fix this - and have fun in the process.

For the bow paddler, we teach bow sweeps, bow draws and on-side and off-side bow rudders. With the stern paddler, we teach stern sweeps and stern draws, J stroke and the much-maligned goony stroke (hey, it’s easy and it works). And for both, we teach the power forward stroke, synchronization, and communication. This class will boost your paddling enjoyment - guaranteed. 

$165.00 / paddling team - Reservations required

Maximum class size is two people

Ages 16 and up.


Mid - May through September
Only Available Weekdays by appointment

  • Ages 16+ (for individuals under 16 please see our Youth Instruction page)
All you need to do now is to reserve your spot in the class.
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More questions? 
See frequently asked questions or give us a call.

Bonus Gifts: 
  • 1-hour free canoe rental
  • $100 credit towards the purchase of a tandem canoe

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